Here I'm going to document my dreams as I get them. Will probably be very disorganised. Dates are the day that I woke up and wrote them down.

2022/06/17 - Time travel, murder, aliens. There was some kind of monster that was being very uncooperative with us but I was still very charmed by it. It was being kept in some sort of fancy art gallery type place, it could have been the headquarters. There was also some angsty hard boiled detective that was haunted by these murders. Also there is a non zero chance that this was a movie within the dream that I was simultaneously experiencing while watching it. I distinctly being really annoyed that we left the theatre early and missed the post credits scene. I mean, c'mon guys...

2022/05/27 - Some disastrous thing about driving. I, for some reason, could just get in the car that we apparently had and take it for a spin with zero experience and no supervision. It resulted in the whole thing being very confusing and vaguely stressful. I have a lot of stress dreams but no straight up nightmares ಠ_ಠ

2022/05/06 - I was at some sort of summer camp. A couple people there suddenly died. Very sad, one of them was a best friend. A girl gave me a big sanrio plushie to comfort me and showed me all the little plushies hidden inside it's stuffing. Also there was an annoying boy who skateboarded everywhere while I rollerskated everywhere.

2022/05/01 - Something about pole dance and batman. (I of course always have pole dance on my mind, and I watched The Batman the day before.) Some element of travel to it? I'm sure I was on the road at some point. I remember going in my room and finding a bat hanging onto the curtains, and I didn't know how to respond to that. I went downstairs and since it was someone's birthday, the whole place was just covered in those paper plates you get for parties with a bunch of chocolates on them. In a shocking out of character moment, I didn't eat a single one.