It's summer again! It's been a while, hasn't it? I've noticed that I'm much more prone to working on this site when I actually have an abundance of free time. I don't think I'll be forgetting about this site anytime soon, though. :P I'll keep adding bits and pieces here and there.

Anyhow, I managed to get through the year!! o(≧∀≦)o At times I seriously wondered about deferring, or if I was gonna be kicked out... But I got through it, and did fairly well grade-wise! If I wanna get a 1st I'll have to push myself in my last year, but it's definitely possible. I have no idea if my project is even gonna work out given my tiny brain, but miracles happen all the time with my schoolwork. I even got a summer internship - of course, it was one of the last ones I applied for and the only one to give me an offer 〒▽〒

I found comfort in places I thought I wouldn't. Recently, when I was having trouble with talking down my anxiety, I pulled out some tarot cards (I know, I don't believe in them but I just think they're really pretty) and did a reading. It's sort of meditative, I guess? I don't know if a therapist would recommend it, but I found that it helped me take a step back from the situation and be a bit kinder to those around me. I sorta want to keep learning tarot, just for fun and in case it helps me again.

I don't think there's a better time to have a personal website, honestly, it seems like a lot of social medias are being pushed to their breaking point. (psst, if you wanna find me on Mastodon, currently I'm My only concern is, I want there to be more places specifically made for artists, not where they're more of an afterthought to text and video. Basically, I kinda wish I was more involved in the heyday of DeviantArt. ArtStation seems to be more of a portfolio site than anything, and I like the vibes of but it seems to be more of a place for storing and trading characters/worlds and doing roleplay. The obvious place would be Pixelfed, but it looks more like an Instagram clone 🤮

Anyway the best place to read comics is definitely on people's websites! I've been keeping up with what happens next and it's absolutely riveting. No other comics currently come to mind, but I'm always open to recommendations. I like comics that have an ending in sight, as opposed to the grand epics we all dream of making but never finish (¬_¬") Also, it's been a while since I browsed through the "recently updated" part of neocities, I bet there's a whole bunch of new sites popping up what with the current chaos going on. Maybe it's been long enough that the new sites have a fair amount of content already? (not that I have any room to speak on that)

I'm cautiously optimistic for the future, if not for myself then for everyone else who's beginning to grow tired of the current internet culture of keeping everything to like 3 corporate websites. Seeya later! ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)