Oh goodness, there are a lot of coursework deadlines showing up and I think I might juuust be able to scrape a pass on most of them. This is like the climax of a movie where the characters manage to win by the skin of their teeth. If I manage to get through this school year it will be an absolute miracle. I'm writing this entry just to give myself something creative to procrastinate on.
In more fun news, my 3DS XL came in recently and it's been a delight modding it. (I used this guide to mod it, in case you also want to mod yours as well) I now have a Breath of the Wild theme on my 3DS and all the games I missed out are waiting to be played. I'm starting with Kid Icarus Uprising.
I'm also onto the final game of the Phoenix Wright Trilogy. The last case of the second game was pretty great. I'm considering playing Professor Layton once I'm done with the trilogy since it also seems to have a very charming vibe and it's something I never played when I was younger.
Now that I'm back in my uni house the wifi is much better, and I can actually continue watching anime. But I got so much work to do that it's also a very bad idea. I'm gonna wait until exams are over, I promise!