About me!

This is my sona, Poppy, and her pet sheep Nimbus. They're the mascots of the site.
Hello! Honestly I'm just your typical loser over here on neocities. I have a billion different hobbies that are always changing, but I love all of them. There are a whole load of anime I like, and a bunch more I need to get around to actually watching ( ̄_ ̄|||)
I like horror in theory but in practice I'm such a wimp I have to spend days recovering from watching a horror movie, even terrible ones. For some reason I'm really into creepy cute aesthetics - if you know of any shows in the same vein as Toilet Bound Hanako-kun or Shadows House, please let me know!!
I have a big problem with starting series or games and then never finishing them. I just get really excited about every new thing I see...
Basic facts about me:
- Nickname: Isa
- Pronouns: She/Her
- Languages: 1½ (English and sorta Brazilian Portuguese)
- Studying: Computer Science (praying I can get through it with my current work ethic (;′⌒`) )
- Favourite Music: I enjoy anime and vocaloid music, but also chill lofi (to study and relax to lol), whatever makes me wanna dance (hiphop, latin beats and the like. Funnily enough EDM has never made me wanna dance >_< ), and songs from musicals
- Likes: cute things, sweet things, my bed
- Disklikes: work, boring things